As part of Dynamism, a project of the Paul van Ostaijen Society,
Ewald Peters and Dennis Van Mol, together wit Matthijs de Ridder,
curated an exhibition on the impact of popular culture on modern art in the interwar period.
Paul van Ostaijen and the soundtrack of the roaring twenties
Exhibition still on until 3o March 2o25.
Museum Albert Van Dyck
Brasschaatsebaan 3o, 297o Schilde
Walden starts a visual investigation
into the foundations and knock-on effects of modernism,
from Van Ostatijen to the present.
Jos Léonard
Nick Andrews
Sales exhibition: 22 Oct - 1o Dec 2o23
As part of the city festival Baroque Influencers
Walden curates an exhibition in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
on the eternal tension between tradition and modernity.
De Pelgrim
Art and meaning in a disenchanted world (1924-1931)
An underexposed feature of the historical avant-garde is its sometimes metaphysical or religious dimension.
There is one. In a world with an increasingly fast-moving modernity,
some Flemish artists founded the Catholic artists' association De Pelgrim (The Pilgrim) in 1924.
From 27 May till 3 Septembre 2o23
Walden moves into the birth house
of the poet who wanted to change the world
and celebrates the publication of his first full-fledged biography.
At the home of
Paul van Ostaijen, a biography in images
Sales exhibition: 23 Apr - 18 Jun 2o23.
Open on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays form 2pm till 6pm.
Address: Lange Leemstraat 53, 2o18 Antwerp
Opening on the 23rd of April 2o23,
with a verbal magic trick by Matthijs de Ridder,
biographer of Paul van Ostaijen.
Jean Groenen
A playful constructivist
With more works by:
Wobbe Alkema, Floris Jespers, Paul Joostens,
Jos Léonard, Bernd Lohaus, Karel Maes, Guy Mees, Jozef Peeters,
Victor Servranckx, Jacoba van Heemskerck and Carel Willink.
Opening: Sunday 13th of November from 1 till 6 pm.
At 3 pm the exhibition will be opened by Simon Delobel, director of KIOSK.
Exhibition: 13 Nov 2o22 – 21 Jan 2o23.
Artists' colonies
From artistic retreats to touristic attractions
12 Mar – 22 Jun 2o22
Anseremme, Barbizon, Bretagne,
Bussum, Dendermonde, Douarnenez, Genk,
Kalmthout, Knokke, Laren-Blaricum, Pont-Aven,
Sint-Martens-Latem, Tervuren, Urk, Wechelderzande, Worpswede
Stan Hensen
Abstract sculptorer, opart-artist, mentor
23 Oct 2o21 - 26 Feb 2o22 Exhibition at two locations within walking distance with works by Stan Hensen, and of his former students Dominique Stroobant and Bob Van der Auwera Walden Art Stories // Scheldebuilding
Opening with the unveiling of a posthumous cast bronze composition by Stan Hensen, in the presence of Bob Van der Auwera
I want to get lost in the streets tonight
Cel Overberghe, recent works
3 Jul - 28 Aug 2o21
Opening with a musical tribute by Cel Overberghe to his former studio mate and G58-companion Wannes Van de Velde.
Paul van Ostaijen
From art pope to loner
27 Mar - 26 Jun 2o21
Herbert Behrens-Hangeler / Koen Broucke / Jan Cockx / Victor Delhez / Prosper De Troyer / George Grosz / Stanislas Jasinski / Floris Jespers / Oscar Jespers / Paul Joostens / Jos Léonard / Karel Maes / Jozef Peeters / Peter Laszlo Peri / Victor Servranckx / Fritz Stuckenberg
"L' art de ne pas savoir peindre"
Modern primitives & primitive moderns
3 Oct - [6 december]6 Dec 2o2o
Désiré Acket & Nelly Degouy / Jan Cobbaert / Marie Colette / Gustaaf De Bruyne / Michel De Goeye / Gust De Smet / Victor Delhez / Herman Diels / Jean-Jacques Gailliard / Vic Gentils / René Guiette / Idel Ianchelivici / Stanislas Jasinski / Floris Jespers / Paul Joostens / Jacques Lacomblez / Eugène Laermans / Marcel Mazy / Palmer Nuyttens & Ellen Schroven / Cel Overberghe / Eline Rausenberger / Jules Schmalzigaug / Paul Snoek / Shirley Villavicencio Pizango / Lieve Walschap / Jos Wils
A tribute to 7 Arts
The architecture of a new world
27 juni – 5 september 2o2o
Marcel-Louis Baugniet / Pierre-Louis Flouquet / Jean-Jacques Gailliard / Stanislas Jasinski / Karel Maes / René Magritte / Victor Servranckx
The cabin of Frederik van Eeden in Walden, ca. 191o, original photo
Collection presentation II
25 Jan - 14 Mar 2o2o
Jef De Pauw / Gustave De Smet / Albert Decaris / Victor Delhez /
Herman Diels / Emile Gastemans / Antoon Herckenrath /
Elisabeth Ivanowski / Feliks S. Jasinski / Stanislas Jasinski / Floris Jespers /
Paul Joostens / Maurice Langaskens / Jos Léonard /
Jean Louis Minne / Joris Minne / Albert Poels /
Robert Van de Velde / Louis Van Engelen.
Michel Seuphor
A century of abstract art (19o1-1999)
24 Oct – 14 Dec 2o19 Alfred Copley / Willy Anthoons / Jan Cobbaert / Victor Delhez / Jun Dobashi /Ronnie Rose Elliott / Philippe Franck / René Guiette / José Maria Iglesias / Paul Joostens / Jacques Lacomblez / Simone Lacour / E. Parin / Jozef Peeters / Victor Servranckx / Michel Seuphor / Anna Staritsky and Edmond Van Dooren.
The lost avant-garde
19 Sep – 19 Oct 2o19
Louis Paul Boon / Jacques Boonen / Ward Hens / Antoon Herckenrath / Joris Yvo / Kurt Köhler / Jos Mous / Berten Schepens / Jos Wils, and contemporary extras by Fred Bervoets and David Van Heek
Opening with an introduction to the lost avant-garde and a fragment from Flemisch author Kurt Köhler's cult book 'Balthazar Krulls hart zingt maneschijn', performed by actor Lukas De Wolf.
Summer Salon I
15 Jun – 14 Sep 2o19
Walter Beckers / Raoul De Keyser / Robert Geenens / Robert Helsmoortel / Stan Hensen / Gerard Holmens / Paul Joostens / Frank Philippi / Albert Szukalski / Filip Tas / Toon Tersas / Wout Vercammen / Joseph Willaert / Roger Wittevrongel ...
Opening with a performance by Lime & Jasmine. In addition to this exhibition Walden honoured
The conceptual art of
Hubert Van Es
Opening on August 1o with an interview with Flor Bex on his artistic alter ego Hubert Van Es.
word art
26 Apr – 8 Jun 2o19
Walter Beckers / Paul De Vree / Leo Dohmen / Arpaïs Du Bois / Maarten Inghels / Oscar Jespers / Monica Laroche / Bernd Lohaus /
René Magritte / Marcel Mariën / Filippo Tommaso Marinetti / Peter Morrens / Luigi Russolo / Alexander Schleber / Idris Sevenans / Leo Sterckx / Toon Tersas / Theo van Doesburg / Hubert Van Es / Marcel Van Maele / Paul van Ostaijen / Frans Van Roosmaelen / Wout Vercammen / Joseph Willaert
Opening with words of Paul van Ostaijen performed by actor Tom Van Bauwel and a performance by artist Peter Morrens.
Stanislas Jasinski
and the 'plastique pure'
28 Feb – 2o Apr 2o19
Walden rediscovers a pioneer of Belgian abstract art. In the mid 192o's Stanislas Jasinski showed his works next to those of Victor Servranckx, Marcel-Louis Baugniet and Pierre-Louis Flouquet.
The encounter with Le Corbusier in Paris lead the artist in 1923 to a new form of architecture.Walden shows pastels from these Paris years (1923-1925). They demonstrate the way Jasinski was experimenting with an abstract visual language. His works are accompanied by works of his close friend Pierre-Louis Flouquet.
With an introduction by Kurt De Boodt, poet, art critic and active at the artistic board of BOZAR, Brussels.
Collection presentation I
19 Jan – 16 Feb 2o19
Jacques Boonen / Jules De Bruycker / Gustaaf De Bruyne /
Victor Delhez / Henri Dupont / Antoon Herckenrath / Floris Jespers / Oscar Jespers / Paul Joostens / Frans Masereel / Jozef Peeters / Albert Saverys / Edgar Scauflaire / Victor Servranckx /
Fritz Stuckenberg / Edmond Van Dooren / Tony Van Os / Henri Van Straten / Jos Wils
Opening with a performance by G 58 artist and jazz musician Cel Overberghe
Victor Delhez
Pioneer of abstract and figurative avant-gardes
15 Nov 2o18 - 5 Jan 2o19
With an introduction by Ernest Van Buynder, honorary chairman of M HKA, Antwerp
The most ugly / beautfiul country in the world
A guide through the urbanistic jungle (Belgium, 1918-1968-2o18)
13 Sep – 3 Nov 2o18Louis Paul Boon / Jacques Boonen / Renaat Braem / Raoul De Keyser /
Peter De Meyer / Luc Deleu / Victor Delhez / Albert Droesbeke / Vic Gentils /
Floris Jespers / Paul Joostens / Edward Léonard / Emile ‘Mil’ Maeyens / Alfons Marchant /
Ria Pacquée / Geert Pijnenburg / Roger Raveel / Arthur Schön / Ellen Schroven /
Filip Tas / Camiel Van Breedam / Maurice Van den Dries /
Frans Van Kuyck / Jozef Van Ruyssevelt / Wout Vercammen & Joseph Willaert.
Introduction by artist, architect and urbanist Luc Deleu and Jeroen Laureyns, art critic and contemporary art lecturer
bread & circuses
Jac Boonen's struggle with the turbulent 1930's
19 Apr – 12 May 2o18
With an introduction by Endi Poskovic, graphic artist and professor at the University of Michigan,
and a literary encounter with Michel de Ghelderode
Walden goes in search of a broader persspective of the historical avant-garde
and a generation of graphic artists that continued the experiment with the '-isms'
in a society under pressure
the emergence of a modern obsession in the works of Paul Joostens
8 Feb – 1o Mar 2o18
With an introduction by Sergio Servellón, director at FeliXart Museum, and an art historical narration by Dr. PhD.
In partnership with Ronny Van de Velde
dynamist. ultra-modernist. reflective painter
the experimental years of Floris Jespers
26 Sep – 11 Nov 2o17
Matthijs de Ridder, biographer of Paul van Ostaijen,
and Maarten Inghels, Antwerp city poet,
presented the portrait of avant-garde poet Paul van Ostaijen by Floris Jespers (1917) that recently turned up